All company announcements

28 May 2024 @ 15:00

258 – Major Shareholder Announcements

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Major Shareholder Announcements

According to the Capital Markets Act § 30, German High StreetProperties A/S hereby announces that on May 28, 2024, the company receivednotification from Olav W. Hansen A/S, pursuant to § 38, subsection 1 of theCapital Markets Act, that following the purchase of shares on May 24, 2024, itnow owns 488,891 shares in German High Street Properties A/S, corresponding toapproximately 16.05% of the capital and approximately 16.05% of the totalvoting rights.


In accordance with the shareholder agreement regarding Olav W.Hansen A/S, there is joint control over Olav W. Hansen A/S between shareholdersRamus Würtz Hansen, Stine Fredslund, and Olav Würtz Hansen. Olav Würtz Hansenno longer controls more than 5% of the capital and of the total voting rights.


Any questions can be directed to the undersigned at +45 81100800.        


Sincerely, German High Street Properties A/S



Hans Thygesen

Chairman of the Board